Ph-959 31086028
Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus is one of many devices under the Galaxy line which will receive Android 4.2 as their last update. However, Samsung has not proclaimed any release dates or progress with the update. If you own a Galaxy S2 Plus you can manually update the device to Android 4.2.2 jelly bean using CyanogenMod 10.1 ROM.
CyanogenMod or CM is one of the most effective custom ROM accessible and totally free. CM10.1 options Android 4.2.2 jelly bean, processor tweaking and virtual bloat-free system.
Warning: this is a custom ROM which may damage your device. Developers are not responsible for whatever happens on your device. read and follow the directions carefully to forestall damaging your phone. do this at your own risk.
IBNewsline reminds its readers that it'll not be held liable for any damage to the device. Before installing the custom firmware, users are suggested to make sure that their handsets meet the subsequent needs.